Tee Ball - Little League Baseball
Where it all begins!!
So many kids fall in love with the game of baseball at this age , don’t let your child miss out on the opportunity to make lifetime friends and have fun with americas favorite pastime
Tee Ball Baseball is for boys and girls 4-6 years old who want to learn the fundamentals of hitting and fielding.
There are no evaluations or drafts in Tee Ball however, we do encourage that any child who turns age 6 before September 1st, 2022 to participate in the Farm Evaluations.
Teams are formed by the Division VP and requests for teammates are considered for convenience and comfort of the parents and players.
In Tee Ball, players hit a ball off a batting tee for half of the season. Coach Pitch gets introduced in the second half. Batters will receive 3 pitched. If they do not put the ball in play, the ball wall be placed on the tee. Rules of the game may be varied to accommodate the need for teaching. No score is kept and all kids play in the field and bat the lineup regardless of outs. Games typically last 1 hour or 3 complete innings, whichever comes first. Flexi balls are used for play and coaches are allowed on the field with the players for safety and instruction.
The primary goals of Tee Ball are to introduce children to the fundamentals of baseball and to allow them to experience the value of teamwork and fair play. You can expect 2 games and 2 practices per week.